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Plan C: LIVE - The Civic Response of Makers to COVID-19

Kits enable making. They are especially good for beginners and young makers. They are also a convenience for parents who want to encourage children to start making but don’t have time to track down tools and supplies. The number of kits and the different types of kits by and for makers have grown from only a few to maybe thousands. There are kits for robotics, coding, electronics, wearables, During COVID-19, kits can be an important supplement to the education provided by schools. In this week’s Plan C: LIVE, we’ll be talking about the educational value and uses of kits, and our panelists are developers of kits.

Join Dorothy Jones-Davis of Nation of Makers and Dale Dougherty of Make: Community for an open conversation about what kit makers are doing in response to the COVID-19 crisis.  

Watch live on Make: YouTube or Register to join the conversation.

July 30

The Making and Innovation Community’s Response to COVID-19

September 10

Plan C Live: Economic Recovery from the Bottom Up