Making Spaces Toolkit
Maker Education Initiative (MakerEd)/Children's Museum of Pittsburgh
STELAR (STEM Learning and Research Center)
The National Science Foundation's Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) program supports the research and development of innovative models for engaging K-12 students in authentic experiences that build their capacity to participate in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and information and communications technology (ICT) workforce of the future. The mission of STELAR is to build capacity and magnify the results of ITEST projects to deepen the impact of the ITEST program. STELAR learning and research center has necessary resources to help develop a curriculum.
National Science Foundation
K-12 Resources and findings generated through educational research and development projects funded in part by the National Science Foundation.
(800) 381 1532
Paid subscription service for monitoring grant opportunities in multiple sectors
(561) 249-4129
Free federal government platform providing federal grant opportunities for both non-profit and private businesses.
Grant Gopher
Both limited (free) and unlimited memberships allow the user to find a list of grants serving non and for-profit organizations.
US Army Research Laboratory - Collaborative Alliances & Opportunities
Collaborative Technology and Research Alliances are partnerships between Army laboratories and centers, private industry and academia that are focusing on the rapid transition of innovative technologies to the Warfighter to enable the Army's Future Force.
(301) 394-3590
US Army Research Laboratory - Partnership Methods & Opportunities
The link to the resource lists current partnership opportunities with US ARL
(301) 394-3590